Pro Tools LE 5.3.3 |
For Mbox on Windows XP |
November 2002
Free Download for Pro Tools Mbox Owners
If you purchased an Mbox System that shipped with Pro Tools LE 5.2 for Macintosh systems, you can now use your Mbox with Windows XP systems by downloading Pro Tools LE 5.3.3 for Mbox on Windows XP.
But the video has several useful tips. My gmail archives took about 10 hours to download. After downloading, I copied it onto a separate hard drive, along with MBox Viewer, which allowed me to plug the hard drive via USB into a different computer without installing MBox or the archives onto the other computer, which is quite handy.
Pro Tools LE 5.3.3 & Mbox Features
Pro Tools LE 5.3.3 software brings Windows XP support to Mbox, and includes all of the functionality of Pro Tools LE 5.3.1 software in conjunction with support for the full hardware feature set of the Mbox interface. Mbox will work in tandem with Pro Tools LE 5.3.3 software and your PC to provide you with a high-quality, self-contained project studio. Features include:
- Digidesign mbox 2 pro - drivers for windows 7. 3, mbox 2 firmware as an. Uploaded on, downloaded 3420 times, receiving a 83/100 rating by 2122 users. Question, q, avid / digidesign mbox 2 drivers do not work in el capitan 10.11.0 the avid mbox 2 driver does not work in el capitan and the device is not recognized by the mac / garage band.
- The Mbox 3 is now compatible with Pro Tools on Windows 10 according to the updated information on the pre-existing driver sets from 2014 Where as new USB drivers have been developed for Mac OSX. Do NOT do any operation on your device during the device updating process in case of updating failure.
- Download here; Avid Mbox Pro (3rd Generation) Drivers 1.3.2 Notes For Mac OS. Note that Avid have not changed the release date but have amended the notes to include El Capitan and Pro Tools 12 support. Supports Mac OS X 10.8.5, 10.9.5, 10.10.5 & 10.11-10.11.3; Supports Pro Tools 10, 11, 12; Updates Mbox Pro Firmware to v1.0.4.
- Two analog inputs and outputs
- 24-bit stereo S/PDIF digital I/O
- 100% USB-powered operation
- Two analog TRS inserts
- 48V phantom power
- Headphone amp and output (1/8' and 1/4') with dedicated volume control
- Coupled with a 24-bit front-to-back audio path, Focusrite pres on the analog inputs, and near 'zero-latency' monitoring, Mbox with Pro Tools LE 5.3.3 on Windows XP gives you a complete 32-track solution that can be utilized anywhere, anytime.
New Digidesign ASIO Driver for Mbox
This installer also includes the beta Digidesign ASIO Driver for Mbox, a multichannel, multimedia sound driver that allows third-party audio programs which support the ASIO standard to record and play back through Mbox.
Note: This installer is only for Mbox. The Digidesign ASIO Driver for other Digidesign hardware is available in the Support/Downloads section of the website:
Digidesign ASIO Driver Home Page
New Pro Tools LE 5.3.3 Documents
- Included in the installer, and automatically installed in the following location:
Program Files->Digidesign->Pro Tools->Release Notes & Documentation. You will need Acrobat Reader installed on your computer to open these documents from the Help menu in Pro Tools, or to open them from the Release Notes & Documentation folder. - Many of these documents are also available from the Support/Tech Support section in the Technical Document Library
- This installer includes a 15 day demo version of DigiTranslator 2.0 (requires iLok USB Hardware Key and DigiTranslator License Card for full authorization). For more information on installation, de-install & authorization of DigiTranslator 2.0, see the DigiTranslator Guide
- See the Getting Started with Mbox guide (1.7 MB) for important installation information before installing Pro Tools LE 5.3.3.
- See the Pro Tools LE 5.3.3 Read Me (55 k) for additional information.
to read .pdf docs:
Compatibility Information & System Requirements
- Available from the Support/Compatibility section in the Digidesign Compatibility Documents
- The Pro Tools LE 5.3.3 installer application can only be installed on Windows XP Professional or Home Edition operating systems
- Windows XP Service Pack 1Required for Mbox
- Windows 2000, NT, Me, 98, 95, and 3.1 are not compatible with Pro Tools LE 5.3.3
- SampleCell II PCI cards and SampleCell Editor are not compatible with Windows XP
- Pro Tools LE 5.3.3 will not work with any hardware other than the Mbox, and will not work in 'standalone' mode without the Mbox attached.
The Pro Tools LE 5.3.3 installer application does not require a previous installation of Pro Tools on your computer, allowing you to do a complete installation, or 'clean install'

Updating Your Plug-Ins
Plug-In installers and the Digidesign WaveDriver for Mbox are available separately from the Support > Downloads > Pro Tools LE 5.3.3 Updates for Mbox on Windows XP section at
If you have any plug-ins that use key disk authorization and you are upgrading to or doing a new installation of the Windows XP operating system:
- Before upgrading your operating system you must remove your previous plug-in authorizations from your hard drive and store them temporarily on the original plug-in floppy disk. Otherwise, you run the risk of corrupting and losing your authorizations.
- Then install Windows XP
- Then install Pro Tools LE 5.3.3
- Then install the 5.3.3 compatible plug-in updates from the link above
- Then re-authorize from your key disk
If you are not updating your Windows OS, this not necessary.
Installation Instructions
Please Print This Page, or Save to your hard drive for reference.
- Start your computer.
- If you have not already expanded the zipped download, using the unzip capability built into Windows XP, right-click on the file or folder named, choose Open, and save to your desktop.
- Close any open programs.
- Plug in your Mbox using the included USB cable.
- Wait for the 'Found New Hardware Wizard' dialog to appear and leave it open. It may take a few seconds for the Wizard window to appear. Leave the Wizard on screen. Do not choose any of the buttons named Back, Next, or Cancel. You can move the window to the side if you want, so that you can see your desktop.
- Open the folder on your desktop named 'Pro Tools LE 5.3.3 for Mbox'.
- Launch the Pro Tools LE 5.3.3 Installer Setup application by double-clicking the icon.
- Follow the prompts.
- You will be asked to restart after the installer has finished.
- Mbox firmware version 20 is required when using Mbox on Windows XP. After you have installed Pro Tools LE 5.3.3 and have restarted your computer run the 'MboxFirmwareUpdater.exe' program located in the DigidesignPro ToolsPro Tools Utilities folder on your computer to check your firmware or update your Mbox firmware to version 20 if needed. See page 11 (page 15 in the PDF) of the Getting Started with Mbox guide for more information.
If you receive a message during installation that Windows XP Service Pack 1 must be installed, you should download and install Windows XP Service Pack 1, which is required to use Pro Tools LE 5.3.3 with the Mbox on either Windows XP Professional or Home Edition. To find out if you have Windows XP Service Pack 1, right-click on your computer icon and choose Properties. In the General section, it will say 'Service Pack 1' below where your operating system is listed if you have SP1 installed.
To avoid installation problems, please read carefully and follow the installations instructions in the Getting Started with Mbox Guide available in the Technical Document Library and included in the download folder.
What's Included In This Download
- Pro Tools LE 5.3.3 Setup.exe (installer application)
- Getting Started with Mbox (Acrobat PDF)
- Pro Tools LE 5.3.3 Read Me (Acrobat PDF)
Download Instructions
Your Mbox Pro Tools LE 5.2 serial number is required to download and install. This can be found in the following location:
Inside the front cover of your Getting Started with Mbox booklet
Mbox 3 Driver
This Windows download is a 54 MB Windows ZIP (.zip) file containing the installer application and documentation with installation instructions.
If you experience download or decoding problems, see the Download Help FAQ
Mbox 1 Driver Mac
Important Note: Pro Tools LE 5.3.3 Update CDs for Mbox Windows XP systems will be available worldwide from your local Digidesign Dealer in December. If you are not able to download Pro Tools LE 5.3.3, contact your Authorized Digidesign Dealer in December for information on how to obtain your Pro Tools LE 5.3.3 Updater CD.
Mbox 3 Driver Mac
Pro Tools LE 5.3.3 Updater CDs are not available directly from Digidesign. These will only be available from authorized Digidesign Dealers beginning in December.